I have always talked to animals, tame and wild. My conversations have deepened now that I have honed my telepathic skills. And with my psychic training I can offer animal healings when they tell me problems. Healings they scamper over quickly to receive.
I especially like working with animals when they are leaving their bodies and transitioning out of this life. We have so much to learn about ourselves from our animals.
For the first part of my life I worked in the communications industry, producing broadcast videos, photos and writing articles and press releases. My work took me to Europe, Africa, Mexico, China and India. I lived for eight years in Africa, where I married my husband and my children were born.
But two life challenges pushed me to switch to intuitive communications.
First, in my twenties I developed an autoimmune disease that Western Medicine could not help. As the decades went by my health got worse and worse. I turned more and more to alternative practices that better addressed the root causes of my pain. Psychic healing has taught me how to protect my energetic space and how to clean out foreign energy from my body, spirit and from my home. It has saved my life.
Second, a long term parenting crisis brought me to the edge of an emotional cliff, a place I hope not many parents experience. I had to face what I really felt about life and death. I learned the limits of what I could do as a mother to help my child. It was a blessing to train to use my intuition to find my own answers. Psychic work gave me a box of psychic tools to navigate through those parenting challenges.
I welcome sharing my experience and learning with you to work through a health, parenting, financial, career, or relationship concern. And if you have a ritual ceremony, let me hold the space for you as your reverend.